Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Mystery and living beyond belief or unbelief > Page 2


the Mystery too great ...

the gift beyond belief or unbelief

Page 2

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it may take a lot of faith
to lose faith in what was most dear to you - "God"
whatever that means - See?

and still
have faith

trees grow up from a seed
and die
and become many other things
and they die
to live as other things

maybe faith is like that
it has to die and die and die
to live

if it does not die and die and die
it dies: meaning, dead

so, why protect it
why not expose it
to Life

is that resurrection

can you live with the questions long enough
to see they were never given to betray you
but lead you to another life

a life that could not be
without the life that was

and is it okay to come to a place, a time
where the questions just are, and faith just is

and the struggle
to believe or not believe
is over

for you lived the questions
to their end

then, doubts might arise,
but leave, now quickly

for you no longer live where the questions live
the Mystery being too great

and there you find communion with others
not in what you believe or they believe
what you do not believe or they do not believe

so, you find communion
in Love


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Mystery and living beyond belief or unbelief > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024